An efficacious print management software for small and medium digital and offset shops.
Helps monitoring operations from orders inception to shipment employing state
of the art technology.
- Keeps holistic business operations view via major KPIs and computed data, in sales,
production, and major areas.
- Generate elstimates taking into account set and live operational
unit costs of design, inventory, print, up to finishing departments.
- Facilitate clients with online Estimation, and retrieving from previously saved estimates.
Roles based Users Access
- Each department's features and resources accessible by users with pertinent assigned Roles
Production Planning and Operations
- User with Planning role plans "production" ahead of time, on days and shifts
- Job docket is setup with its parts identification and flow. Department specific Tasks with their
traceable quantities are added, and materials are allocated. In
print section for example, spot colors for each printable job part are setup,
with sides and percentage coverage.
- In Operations, each department's authorized user enters Task Action before and after
performing all encoded activities.
- iComm tracks planned vs actual data of activities for traceability of cost and performance.
Digital Printing
- Digital print jobs docket is made in a single concise step with essential information,
as per quick run nature of these jobs.
Inventory Control
- Inventory module helps manage the status, facilitates Ordering and Issue.
- Inventory receiving and finished product’s shipping are
Reports and Outputs
- Generate Estimate, Docket, Inventory and sveral essential reports in PDF format destined to electronic share or print.
- Whether you like to integrate to iComm DocSol,
XMPie, or to any other major Document and Web-to-Print solution
our vast experience in these specific software solutions can help.
- Integrate to vast collection of E-Commerce solutions for Payment processing like AuthorizeNet, 2CO, to Shipping providers like FedEx, UPS, ShipStation, or ones for specific features enhancement, iComm MIS integration will be available with a wealth of experience.
- Integrate to Digital Print workflow solutions from Xerox, EFI and more.
- Continuous support available to users ensuring smooth runs and availability of product updates.
Plans and Pricing
- For offering models and pricing tiers, please contact.
Schedule a Call
You can schedule a no-obligation call to discuss your business problem, how iComm DocSol can help resolving your business challenges. Shecdule a
time as per your availability now!